How to Avoid Pregnancy Complications?

Pregnancy gets complicated either due to poor diet or due to bad lifestyle habits like, smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine etc. If these are avoided a great number of your worries would end up by their own.

When a woman gets pregnant, there are many changes that are being noticed and one of them is of skin changes. The pregnancy glow is being one of the skin changes during pregnancy and noticed on the face of the woman who gets pregnant. The increased volume in blood leads to glow on the skin. Also, there is a secretion of oil from oil glands which leads to waxy shine on your face. Along with this skin changes in pregnancy also includes eruption of acne, pregnancy mask appearance on the face. You might find pregnancy mask on your face and this is especially prominent in the second trimester. Brownish patches starts appearing on the face which is named as chloasma. This can appear anywhere on your face but most commonly on upper cheeks of face, nose, chin, and forehead. Sometimes during pregnancy, you might come across with the issue of acne. So, you need to keep your skin clean.

Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is common in the first trimester. Actually in the first half of the pregnancy, placental implantation takes place due to which embryo get implanted inside the womb. Try to avoid wearing tampon, and do not insert anything into vagina. Also, avoid sexual intercourse while you suffer from the issue of bleeding. In order to go for proper treatment, you need to measure in which quantity you bleed. Light spotting during pregnancy is not harmful as it is quite natural especially in the first trimester. If spotting increased from light to heavy then you need to consult your midwife.    

Folic acid during pregnancy is necessary so that pregnant women do not get anemic and can stay away from health complications.  Neural tube defects (NTDs) can be prevented if folic acid is being taken in routine diet. The NTDs defects are relevant with the birth defects which are associated with spinal cord and brain. How much folic acid during pregnancy? The medical experts suggest that to take 400mcg of folic acid each day. It keeps the risks of the NTDs away from fetus. The US National Institute of Health suggests folic acid for up to 600 mcg in a day. When there comes in the need of extra folic acid? The need of extra folic acid arises in obese pregnant women. This is because they are naturally with tube defects and needs folic acid in more quantities.


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