Pregnancy Issues and Advice for Expecting Mothers

If you are one of expecting mothers then you might be dealing with certain pregnancy issues like spotting, heartburn, skin changes and many more. How to deal with these issues and what would be the best possible way for treating must be your concern.

Lets starts with the skin changes during pregnancy, when a woman conceives, her skin starts glowing and this glow is being observed by everyone. You might know regarding this glow but this is not a myth but in fact it contains medical logic as well. Fifty percent of the blood gets increased in the pregnant women leading to redness on face. Also, the oil glands of the skin secret oils which add shine to your face as well. Apart from that shine, another skin change in pregnancy is pregnancy mask that is being observed in most of the pregnant women. The mask appears in the second trimester. The patches of brown and yellow color appear on the face known as chloasma. They may appear on cheeks upper area, nose, and chin. Why this is so? The pregnancy hormones like progesterone and estrogen activate the melanin cells to start secreting the extra pigment which scattered over the skin. It cannot be prevented but yes its intensity can be controlled by avoiding exposure to sunlight.     

Spotting during pregnancy is another major pregnancy issue. Spotting or light bleeding is not a sign of problem but yes it might be if a pregnant woman bleeds heavily. In the first trimester, bleeding or spotting is quite normal or natural. The reason is that placental implantation takes its place due to which light spotting during pregnancy is being noticed in most of the pregnant women. If bleeding proceeds from light to heavy then it is not normal and you need to consult your midwife regarding.  

Apart from spotting and skin issues, birth defects are also common in those women who are deficient of folic acid. Why there is a need of folic acid during pregnancy? The reason is that it prevents from the neural tube defects (NTDs) which are actually the defects of spinal cord and brain. These defects develop in the first trimester. How much folic acid during pregnancy? It is being recommended to take 600mg of folic acid in a day during pregnancy. This will help in keeping the danger or risk of NTDs away. Intake of folic acid during pregnancy also helps in formation of red blood cells and that is the reason why it also helps in keeping away the risk of anemia. 

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