Why Heartburn and Vomiting Is Felt In Pregnancy?

Heartburn and vomiting are tow common complaints of the pregnant women as they are common in the first trimester. They can be treated with the help of simple remedies.

Heartburn condition develops when the acid indigestion occurs due to imbalance of progesterone hormone. This hormone slows down the wavelike contractions of intestines and esophagus and develops heartburn during pregnancy. Also, heartburn could be generated by the later stages of the pregnancy. The reason is that baby occupies the major space of the abdomen and pushes the acids of the stomach into the esophagus. What to do in order to avoid heartburn? Heartburn relief during pregnancy can be achieved by simply making some changes in your diet plans. Try having smaller meals as this will help in digestion of the food more easily. Chew gum after having meal as salivary glands produce saliva which neutralizes the acid. Drink ten to twelve glasses of water in daily routine. Avoid the usage of the alcohol and smoking as this may lead to heartburn during pregnancy.

Vomiting during pregnancy is common and according to estimates for about 70 percent of the women gets mild to moderate symptoms of vomiting in the first trimester. All these symptoms go away when a pregnant woman reaches to fourth month of the pregnancy. Weight loss and dehydration are the two common issues faced by the pregnant women when they are having vomits. Is there any hormone involve? The hCG, estrogen and progesterone hormones are involved for generating the symptoms of vomiting. How to stop vomiting during pregnancy? Eat dry peach or citrus fruits as they will help to overcome the issue of vomiting. Non ripe mangoes can also be used for treating vomiting. Also, by eating dry crackers in the morning helps in eliminating the vomiting feel in the morning.

How age affects pregnancy and its related issues? Age certainly has its own advantages and disadvantages during pregnancy. Fertility issues are more dominant in the women with the age more than 30. Heartburn and vomiting issues are equally faced by all mothers. Older mothers are with more of the pregnancy issues, they have just reduced amount of follicles in the ovaries which are functioning. Reproductive organs problems are common in the old age mothers like poly cystic ovary syndrome and Chlamydia.       

Thus, we lead to the conclusion that heartburn and vomiting is mostly felt due to the hormonal changes of the body. No matter, in which age you conceive but the fact is that heartburn and vomiting during pregnancy are common and especially in the first trimester.   





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